Drink Lots of Water:
Start drinking lots of water leading up to your treatment.
When you're hydrated, your body's lymphatic system thrives. This makes your treatment even more effective.
Treatment Around Your Cycle:
If you're on your cycle, you might feel bloated, which can mess with your measurements. Try to book your session before or after your cycle for the best results.
Skip Heavy Meals:
Don’t eat heavy meals for about 2 hours before and after your session. Heavy meals confuse your body and mess with fat metabolism. Keep it light.
Avoid Coffee, Tea, and Carbonated Beverages:
Bloating can be an issue if you drink coffee, tea, or anything carbonated. Stick with water to keep yourself well hydrated and to avoid unwanted bloat.
Avoid Fasting Before Treatment:
Even though you shouldn't have a heavy meal, don't come to your session on an empty stomach so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. When the body is in starvation mode, fat becomes more resistant to treat.
Drink Lots of Water:
Water flushes out your system. Try and drink at least half your body weight in ounces daily.
Cold Showers:
It sounds intense but take cold showers. Cold showers help you burn calories. They're great for putting your body into a calorie burning mode.
Eat Lighter:
Choose meals that are light yet packed with a lot of nutrients. This helps your cells thrive and reduces inflammation.